
Monday, January 9, 2012

30 Essential Linkedin Groups for Nursing Students

Whether you’re looking to find job opportunities or to get some support during the most stressful parts of your nursing education, LinkedIn offers some amazing opportunities for nursing students to reach out to others in the community. Simply create your own profile on LinkedIn and you’ll be able to instantly connect with thousands of other nurses who are already taking part in online discussions through the wide range of groups available on the site. Here, we’ve highlighted just a few of the great relevant groups LinkedIn offers, giving nursing students an easy way to find the support, advice, and information they need to get through nursing school with sanity intact.

Associations and Professional Groups

LinkedIn is a great place to meet other professionals and students. Give these groups a try to find support and guidance and to meet and network with other nurses.
  1. Working Nurse As you’re undoubtedly already learning as a student, nursing can be a demanding career. Through this group, you’ll get a chance to ask questions, share stories, and talk about the profession with others in the field.
  2. ACT Nurses Specialty Group For nurses who want to embrace their spiritual side, this nursing group can offer some support and guidance. Of course, there’s more to offer than that, and there are loads of great posts on issues like time management, staying positive, and getting additional education.
  3. American Nurses Association Join this open group created by the ANA to learn more about what working in nursing is like, meet with other students and professionals, and even find some job listings. You can also get helpful advice on any educational or practical issues you’re having.
  4. Nursing Network Looking to get to know some working nurses a bit better? Consider joining this group. It’s dedicated to serving nursing professionals and other health care staff, and with nearly 8,000 members, there’s a good chance you’ll meet someone working near you.
  5. The R.N. Network This large professional group on LinkedIn caters to professional nurses working in the U.S. and Canada. In the forums, members will find serious discussions about issues that are important to the nursing community, from licensure to nursing trends. It’s a great place to find information and advice for those who are just starting out in their nursing careers.
  6. Nursing Professionals If you want to network with other nurses and students, join this networking group. You’ll get a chance to share experiences and may just learn some new and interesting things about the field.
  7. Whether you already make use of the NurseTogether website or want to learn more about it, this group can help and offers a supplementary place to talk about all things nursing.
  8. Nurses, & Computers, Technology & Gadgets Professionals of Healthcare World It’s hard to get by these days without using some kind of technology, but if you’re a nurse who just can’t get enough of gadgets, then check out this group. It can be a great place to learn about the technology that’s helping to change the healthcare industry.
  9. LVN / LPN Professional Nurses Association Those who have LVN and LPN certification can use this group as a place to network, find job openings, and learn more about other elements of working in nursing.
  10. Nursing Network USA Whether you’re an LVN, NP, or RN, you can join this group to network with other professionals and share resources for career advancement.

Job Help

Whether scary or exciting to you, you’re going to graduate at some point and need to find a job that will let you use all of those great nursing skills. These groups are a great way to start doing some networking and job hunting before the last minute.
  1. ADVANCE for Nurses Professional Group Preparing to graduate and on the hunt for a job? This group can be a great place to find information. Members have access to posts about job openings, advice on career strategies, updates about conferences, and a network of professionals to draw on for support.
  2. Hospital Jobs Healthcare & Medical Jobs You’re going to need a job when you graduate, and while health care is one of the fastest growing fields, that doesn’t always mean jobs are easy to come by. Use this group to help you find out about nursing jobs in your area, develop a referral network, and get in touch with other nurses and recruiters in your area.
  3. Health Care Opportunities On the hunt for the perfect post-graduation job? Use this group as a starting point, finding links to dozens of job opportunities that may suit your needs.
  4. Jobs for Nurses The name of this group says it all. It’s a great place to visit for nurses who are on the lookout for new jobs and opportunities in their careers.
  5. Recruit a Nurse Through this group, you’ll get connected with recruiters and hiring managers who can help you find work at hospitals across the U.S.

For Students

There are a number of groups on LinkedIn that cater to the needs of nursing students. Here are a few that will give you some support for school, exams, and entering the professional world.

  1. Nursing Student Network Commiserate about the trials and tribulations of nursing school with your fellow students in this great LinkedIn group. Over 2,000 members talk about their career options, share information about the industry, and talk about their school programs.
  2. NursingLink Users Group Created to unite students and nursing professionals for networking, this group is an excellent place to learn more about nursing, find job opportunities, and even get a little advice on navigating nursing school.
  3. American Nurses Credentialing Center If you want to work as a nurse, you’re going to need to get the right credentials. Learn more about the tests you’ll take and some specialty designations you can get that will help you throughout your career.
  4. Stressed Out Nurses Nursing school can be stressful, as can your first few years on the job while you’re still really learning the ropes. This group offers a place to share the stresses and troubles of working in the nursing field, and to find support from other students and new grads.
  5. Find help with acing those nursing exams with this group, focused on providing study services to nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals.


Use these groups to learn more about a variety of nursing specialties you may want to choose for your future career.
  1. ENA (Emergency Nurses Association) Thinking of pursuing a career in the fast-paced world of emergency care? This professional association will put you in touch with thousands of other ER nurses around the nation, perfect for networking and getting insights into what the field is really like.
  2. Oncology Nursing Society Check out this professional association’s group to meet up with nurses, case managers, researchers, and other healthcare professionals involved in treating cancer patients.
  3. Nursing Beyond the Bedside Nursing can take place in many settings, some of which you may never have considered as a career before. Learn more about what options are out there from this group focusing on sharing professional opportunities beyond the hospital setting.
  4. Pediatric Nursing If you love working with kids, this group may be a good choice for you. Once you join, you can join the discussions on the site, network for nurses, and learn more about what it takes to be a pediatric nurse.
  5. Travel Nursing Never been the kind of person who likes to stay put? Then travel nursing might be the perfect career for you. Join this group to learn more about the life of a travel nurse.
  6. American Society for Pain Management Nursing Join this group to better understand the practices, research, education, advocacy, and other issues behind pain management in nursing.
  7. International Association of Forensic Nurses Forensic nursing sounds pretty cool, but it’s not always an easy career to break into. Learn more about the field and meet some of the great nurses working in it today through this helpful LinkedIn group.
  8. Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society This group will help you learn tons about the proper care of elderly adults or others with chronic wounds and incontinence problems. Whether you choose to focus on those issues or not in your career, it’s valuable to know many of the issues discussed here.
  9. American Association of Heart Failure Nurses Through this group, you’ll get a chance to explores not only nursing jobs in heart care facilities, but also the research and practices that go into caring for heart patients.
  10. Professional Nurse Educators Group Want to get to know your professors and teachers a bit better or just find some mentors in a new city? This network is the place to do it, with hundreds of teaching nurses as members.

    This entry was posted by
    Jasmine Hall