Update July 1, 2009: Vermont now requires nursing credential evaluation thru CES or IERF. Check my post on this new requirement. Disregard this.
Here’s a quick step by step process on how to apply for licensure by examination (NCLEX) at Vermont Board of Nursing for graduates of international nursing schools, including the Philippines.
1. Visit www.vtprofessionals.org and download the 13-page International Nurse Application for Registered Nurses. The first 4 pages are the instructions on how to fill up the form.
2. Fill up pages 5-10 (page numbered 1-6) to the best of your knowledge. Paste your 2×2 picture on the space provided in page 5. Page 10 is the Secondary Education page, where you will attach your original or certified true copy of high school diploma/certificate. You will also include in this packet your photocopy of license (front and back in one page) certified by PRC, photocopy of your passport (face page), $150 Application fee in bank draft, money order, etc.
3. Fill up the upper part of page 11 and 12 (Verification of Education) and sign on the space provided. Bring these pages to your school of nursing and have them fill it up, stamp and enclose these in school envelope, with the transcript of records, RLE summary and detailed course descriptions. Then they usually give it back to you for mailing; you can mail it together with your other forms as long as it’s enclosed and sealed in an envelope provided by your school.
4. The last page is your Verification of Licensure. Fill up the upper part and sign. Bring it to PRC for completion. The PRC will mail it directly to Vermont.
Processing and evaluation of your application ranges from 2 weeks to 4 months depending on a lot of factors. If you’re approved and eligible, they will send you an email about the next step, which is NCLEX registration at Pearsonvue.com. Check my post about it.
If you have problems on how to fulfill the application, don’t hesitate to post your comment here.