Friday, September 24, 2010
How to schedule your NCLEX in Pearson VUE Centers outside US
Do you have your ATT and you’re planning to schedule your NCLEX but dont know how to do it? Here’s a quick info on the usual sequence and questions asked by Pearsonvue agent:
First of all, you can only schedule by phone if you wanna take the NCLEX outside US (Makati, Hongkong, Saipan etc.) and it has extra charge of $150 for the International Testing Fee. You can call the Asia Pacific hotline +60383149605 (we normally add 00 before that number for int’l calls) from 6:30am to 4pm local time. If you prefer to go the Europe, Middle east hotline +441618557445(also add 00), call from 4pm up; be sure that the Credit card holder is around for the agent in this hotline will ask for his/her confirmation of charges.
Before calling, have your ATT and Credit Card ready. The first thing that the Pearson agent will ask is the Candidate ID Number for he/she will type it in their database. Then your details will flash in his/her screen. To verify that you really are the candidate he/she will ask your name, address, email, bday, phone number etc. and he/she will compare what you say with their records. Then he/she will ask your Authorization Number and after that the agent will ask where are you going to take the exam and your preferred date and time. Next the agent will check if your preferred date and time is available; if its ok he/she will ask to charge you $150 thru credit card. First up is the card type (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, etc) then the card number (usually 16 digits), the expiration date, the security code (last 3 digits at the back) and the card holder’s name. That’s it!
Expect confirmation of appointment from them immediately in your email. Then dont forget to bring your ATT and Passport plus other IDs when you take your exam.