
Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Here are ten ways for nurses to get over the holiday working blues 
1. Be glad you have a stable nursing job. In these trying economic times, you have an income to help pay for basics and also gifts for your loved ones. 
2. Give sacrificially to someone less fortunate than you. Work with your children on some small gifts you can take to your patients on Christmas Day. You will be teaching them to give and including them in the blessing that you have of helping others. 
3. Plan the pot luck for those working the holiday. Getting festive with your coworkers can be a blast and will remind you that you’re not alone. 
4. Shop for the perfect set of Christmas earrings, hat or blinking pin to wear to work. You can be excited to “show it off” and cheer everyone up on the holiday. 
5. Set aside special family time around Christmas. If you know you are working Christmas, you may need to consider minimizing time at grandma's house if this is not relaxing for your family. They need special time. As long as you make your time with them intimate and special, they won’t mind that it is the day before or the day after. 
6. Get creative and have a surprise gift delivered to your loved ones while you work. They will know that you love them and that you were thinking about them during your nursing shift. 
7. Do something special for the group that is working. If you are a manager, leave small gifts or cards with the employee’s names on them telling how much you appreciate them being there on the holiday. 
8. Remember it’s just a few hours; it’s not a lifetime. Maybe it means that you were able to spend time with your family at Thanksgiving or on New Years while other nurses worked. 
9. Control your feelings by controlling your thoughts. If you are obsessing about how angry or sad you are, you will be angry and sad. Instead, tell yourself working the holiday is an opportunity to show the true spirit of Christmas to your coworkers, family and patients. If you have a positive attitude, happy feelings will follow. 
10. Be proud that you work holidays – you care when no one else does. Take this time to rejuvenate yourself with love and kindness for your fellow man. You are a nurse. Be a great one. 

Happy Holidays! Christmas is a time for giving and the best gift you could give to humanity is your nursing career. Have a great holiday shift.